the cedar ledge


My blog posts ordered by date. The titles, date, summaries, and key words of a blog are provided per entry

Thoughts on Forester: A Scientist's Zettelkasten [May 17 2024]
Some preliminary and early thoughts on Forester, a robust tool for scientists and mathematicians in developing and working with one's own Zettelkasten.
#blog #forester #sterling #zettelkasten #tool #thought #open #source #note #archive

Early Impressions of Bluesky [Nov 24 2023]
Initial impressions on a few months of Bluesky usage
#social #media #bluesky #twitter #microblogging #blog #archive

Resources for Learning the Julia Programming Language [Oct 8 2023]
A non-exhaustive list of recommendations for how I suggest learning Julia to language newcomers
#julia #programming #beginners #recommendations #learning #archive #blog

Step by Step Guide to Moving Your GitHub Repository to a GitHub Organization [Aug 23 2023]
How to move your GitHub repository into a GitHub organization
#github #organization #repository #permissions #git #blog #archive

Lessons Learned from How I Use Anki [Jul 9 2023]
Some insights into how I use Anki and suggestions on how to get started
#anki #blog #archive #anki #spaced #repetition #learning

Notes on Managing Open Source Organizations [Jun 20 2023]
A collected overview on various comments from Julia organization organizers on how to effectively build up an open source organization
#github #open #source #community #organization #blog #archive #julia

A Fun Exploration of Perfect, Abundant, and Deficient Numbers [May 10 2023]
A computational treatment and exploration of abundant and deficient numbers
#blog #abundant #deficient #number #theory #julia #programming #perfect #aliquot #sequence #archive

Developing a Robust Computable Phenotype Definition Workflow to Describe Health and Disease in Observational Health Research [Apr 15 2023]
Considerations and discussion on a workflow for developing computable phenotype definitions to define disease
#computable #phenotype #observational #health #blog #equity #archive

Learning What Every Undergraduate Mathematician Should Know about Proofs [Apr 1 2023]
Ultralearning project to learn the equivalent of an undergraduate maths or computer science student understanding of proofs and how to write them.
#zettel #archive #project #blog #proof

Asynchronous Workflow Using Julia Tutorial [Jan 7 2023]
A thorough tutorial on how to use Julia for asynchronous workflows to do many things, at once!
#blog #archive #julia #programming #literate #workflow #asynchronous #weave #browser #sync #node

Making Math Flashcards Using Spaced Repetition Systems [Jan 6 2023]
Composite guide in using spaced repetition systems in learning maths
#math #learning #anki #flashcards #spaced #repetition #proofs #theorems #definitions #project #archive #blog

Achieving an Undergraduate Level Understanding of Graph Theory [Dec 31 2022]
Ultralearning project to learn the equivalent of an undergraduate maths of computer science student understanding of graph theory.
#zettel #ultralearning #graph #theory #project #archive #blog

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions [May 15 2022]
A book review of Thomas Kuhn's most famous book that challenged all of the philosophy of science and introduced such concepts as normal science, paradigm shift, why non-scientific fields struggle with similar revolutions, and when one can adopt new paradigms.
##book ##blog ##outline #review #normal #science #paradigm #shift #revolution #science #philosophy #crisis #archive

Personal Perspectives on Faith [May 7 2022]
An evolving note on my perspectives on faith as a practicing
##blog #faith #christianity #nicean #creed #archive

The Open Knowledge Model [Apr 16 2022]
A working proposal on a standard knowledge format for taking notes
#open #knowledge #standard ##summary #format #blog #archive

X + Y : A Mathematician’s Manifesto for Rethinking Gender [Apr 15 2022]
Book review on an approach of using category theory to decouple and discuss characteristics of gender without conflating the two - great read!
##summary ##blog #review #book #gender #ingressive #congressive #category #theory #archive

Othello [Apr 9 2022]
A review of the book Othello and some thoughts on the central conflict
##summary ##book #play #tragedy #racism #boredeom ##blog #archive

My Note Templates [Aug 3 2021]
The template I use for taking notes
#notes #template #archive #blog

The Book of Why [Jan 7 2021]
How causality gives us tools to understand the question of cause-and-effect and confounders
##bibliography #causality #diagrams #counterfactual #statistics #graphs ##book ##blog #archive

Death of a Salesman [Jul 26 2020]
A wonderful but scathing critique of the American dream as told from the perspective of a low-income, and at times, lower-middle class, American family with the father eking out an existence as a traveling salesman.
##bibliography #capitalism #classic #fiction #satisfaction ##book ##blog #archive

Sleep as an Act of Faith [Apr 28 2020]
Choosing to sleep is an act of faith
##zettel #sleep #faith #psalm5 #archive #blog

How to Take Smart Notes [Mar 29 2020]
Takeaways from the book How to Take Smart Notes
##bibliography #knowledge #notetaking #zettelkasten #mentalmodels #writing #blog #archive

CC BY-SA 4.0 Jacob Zelko. Last modified: May 19, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.