the cedar ledge

What Is Self-Harm

Date: July 8 2020

Summary: Self-harm is a mental illness that results in causing pain or harm to oneself

Keywords: ##zettel #harm #self #suicide #mentalhealth #illness #hurting #pain ##summary #archive


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Table of Contents

  1. How To Cite
  2. References
  3. Discussion:

In 2014, WHO found that 20% of children aged 15 confirmed having self-harmed within the last year. [1]

Self-harm is a mental illness that results in causing pain or harm to oneself. [2] Examples include restrictive and binge eating, cutting, hitting, scratching, burning, bleaching of an individual’s body, and other forms of self-mutilation. [3]

Self-harm generally pertains to non-life threatening actions individuals perform to negatively impact their health. This starts with actions like cutting and wrist slashing. [4] It can then lead to more severe acts of injuring human body tissue [5] and to indirect self-harming behavior such as eating disorders [6]

There are many types of self-harming behavior such as:

  1. Indirect Self-Harm

  2. Direct Self-Harm

  3. Digital Self-Harm

Further complicating discrete categories is that not all people that self-harm are suicidal. [7]

How To Cite

Zelko, Jacob. What Is Self-Harm. July 8 2020.


[1] C. Currie et al., “Social determinants of health and well-being among young people,” Health Behav. Sch.-Aged Child. HBSC Study Int. Rep. From, vol. 2010, p. 271, 2009.

[2] E. D. Klonsky, “The functions of deliberate self-injury: A review of the evidence,” Clin. Psychol. Rev., vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 226–239, 2007.

[3] M. K. Nock, “Self-injury,” Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol., vol. 6, pp. 339–363, 2010.

[4] H. Graff and R. Mallin, “The syndrome of the wrist cutter,” Am. J. Psychiatry, vol. 124, no. 1, pp. 36–42, 1967.

[5] E. D. Klonsky, T. F. Oltmanns, and E. Turkheimer, “Deliberate self-harm in a nonclinical population: Prevalence and psychological correlates,” Am. J. Psychiatry, vol. 160, no. 8, pp. 1501–1508, 2003.

[6] C. Zlotnick, J. I. Mattia, and M. Zimmerman, “Clinical correlates of self-mutilation in a sample of general psychiatric patients,” J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., vol. 187, no. 5, pp. 296–301, 1999.

[7] J. Quigley, S. Rasmussen, and J. Mcalaney, “Normative misperceptions of suicidal and self-harming behaviours in an undergraduate student population,” Apr. 2014.


CC BY-SA 4.0 Jacob Zelko. Last modified: May 19, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.