the cedar ledge

General Guidelines for Network Study Development

Date: May 30 2023

Summary: Guidelines that various groups have developed for working within the context of network studies

Keywords: #guideline #network #study #ohdsi #archive


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Table of Contents

    1. Motivation
    2. General Community Guidelines for Network Studies
      1. OHDSI
  1. How To Cite
  2. References:
  3. Discussion:


Network studies are a strange thing. They both are not well documented and at the same time starting to somewhat move towards mainstream discussions of large scale analytics.

General Community Guidelines for Network Studies


General principles for network studies: [1]

How To Cite

Zelko, Jacob. General Guidelines for Network Study Development. May 30 2023.


[1] Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Collaborative, The Book of OHDSI. OHDSI, 2021.Available:


CC BY-SA 4.0 Jacob Zelko. Last modified: May 19, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.