Date: April 9 2020
Summary: A brief overview of what skin conductance response is and how it is conventionally used.
Keywords: ##zettel #scr #eda #fast #signal #archive
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Skin conductance response (SCR) are the fast portions found in the decomposition of the EDA signal. They are then superimposed onto the Skin Conductance Level (click link to see what the SCL is).
Conventionally [1]–[3], SCR is classified via the following criterion:
An increase in EDA of at least over a period of seconds
Immediately after this increase, there should be seen a gradual decrease in EDA over seconds to what value (or level) was recorded before the SCR event
Zelko, Jacob. What Is Skin Conductance Response?. April 9 2020.
[1] M. E. Dawson, A. M. Schell, and D. L. Filion, “The electrodermal system.” 2017.
[2] R. Kocielnik, N. Sidorova, F. M. Maggi, M. Ouwerkerk, and J. H. Westerink, “Smart technologies for long-term stress monitoring at work,” in Proceedings of the 26th IEEE international symposium on computer-based medical systems, 2013, pp. 53–58.
[3] F. H. Wilhelm and W. T. Roth, “Ambulatory assessment of clinical anxiety,” Ambul. Assess. Comput.-Assist. Psychol. Psychophysiological Methods Monit. Field Stud., pp. 317–345, 1996.