Date: February 8 2021
Summary: Useful state of the art package for reproducing R projects
Keywords: #zettel #r #programming #package #archive
Not Available
Call renv::init()
to initialize a new project-local environment with a private R library,
Work in the project as normal, installing and removing new R packages as they are needed in the project,
Call renv::snapshot()
to save the state of the project library to the lockfile (called renv.lock
Continue working on your project, installing and updating R packages as needed.
Call renv::snapshot()
again to save the state of your project library if your attempts to update R packages were successful, or call renv::restore()
to revert to the previous state as encoded in the lockfile if your attempts to update packages introduced some new problems.
Zelko, Jacob. renv - Reproducible Environments in R. February 8 2021.