the cedar ledge

CDM Standardized Tables

Date: February 8 2021

Summary: Standardized tables used in the OMOP Common Data Model

Keywords: #zettel #omop #cdm #table #standardized #archive


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Table of Contents

    1. OMOP CDM Design Elements
    2. OMOP CDM Conventions
    3. OMOP CDM "Concept"'s
      1. "Concept" Example
      2. Drug "Concepts"
    4. Use Cases for the OMOP CDM
  1. How To Cite
  2. References
  3. Discussion:

OMOP Common Data Model (CDM): effort to standardize observational data to enable transferable analysis. [1]

OMOP CDM Design Elements

The OMOP CDM features person­centric design where each domain records personal identity and a ate while prioritizing data protection through the limiting of information that could endanger patient anonymity. The CDM relies on Standardized Vocabularies and attempts to reuse existing vocabularies where it can. Furthermore, to prevent data loss, the CDM stores original patient source codes.

The CDM itself does not require a specific technology to work with the data stored in this standard. As a result of this, all versions of the CDM are backwards compatible Even more the CDM is scalable for data processing and analy­sis

OMOP CDM Conventions

The CDM is person ­centric meaning tha all clinical Event tables are linked to thePERSON table. Tables that need to be manipulated by users are stored in the "Results" schema. The two tables in the "Results" schema are: COHORT and COHORT_DEFINITION. The data types defined in these tables are ANSI SQL:

OMOP CDM "Concept"'s

All content in the OMOP CDM is a concept. They form relationships with one another in a hierarchical manner. This concept information is stored in the following tables:

  1. CONCEPT - the concepts in the CDM

  2. CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP - the relationships between concepts

  3. CONCEPT_ANCESTOR - hierarchical concept relationships; see Exploring Ancestors and Descendants of a Concept

"Concept" Example

| CONCEPTID | 313217 | | CONCEPTNAME | Atrial Fibrilation | | DOMAINID | Condition | | VOCABULARYID | SNOMED | | CONCEPCLASSID | Clinical Finding | | STANDARDCONCEPT | S | | CONCEPTCODE | 4936004 | | VALIDSTARTDATE | 01-Jan-1970 | | VALIDENDDATE | 31-Dec-2099 | | INVALID_REASON | |

Drug "Concepts"


One can query drug concepts by name easily in OHDSI tools.

Use Cases for the OMOP CDM

The OMOP CDM is implemented to help with Big Health Data collection. We use Big Health Data because it:

  1. Enables research

  2. Backs effective healthcare

  3. Manages healthcare claims

The CDM is optimized for typical observational research purposes such as

  1. Identifying patient populations

  2. Characterize populations

  3. Determining effects of population-based interventions

  4. Organize data for analysis

How To Cite

Zelko, Jacob. CDM Standardized Tables. February 8 2021.


[1] J. M. Overhage, P. B. Ryan, C. G. Reich, A. G. Hartzema, and P. E. Stang, “Validation of a common data model for active safety surveillance research,” J. Am. Med. Inform. Assoc., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 54–60, 2012.


CC BY-SA 4.0 Jacob Zelko. Last modified: May 19, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.