the cedar ledge

All-Payer Claims Database

Date: January 1 2021

Summary: An overview on what all payer claims databases are

Keywords: ##zettel #apcd #claims #database #archive


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Table of Contents

    1. Overview
    2. Advantages of APCDs over other federal health datasets
  1. How To Cite
  2. References
  3. Discussion:


The goal of APCDs is to improve affordability of healthcare, its efficiency, and cost transparency. [1]

All-payer claims databases: State databases which contain the following information on private and public payers:

Insurers are usually mandated by the state to provide APCD data to States.

Advantages of APCDs over other federal health datasets

APCDs contain private insurance. This is not common for other datasets.

APCDs contain data from most or all insurance companies in a State. Other datasets do not have them.

APCDs include info on care for patients across care sites rather than only from discharge data systems. APCDs include large sample sizes, geographic representation, and capture of longitudinal information on a wide range of individual patients.

How To Cite

Zelko, Jacob. All-Payer Claims Database. January 1 2021.


[1] Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, β€œAll-Payer Claims Databases,” Feb. 2018.


CC BY-SA 4.0 Jacob Zelko. Last modified: May 19, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.